Our Business Model
Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete purpose of manufacturing and supply of high quality products as responsibly and efficiently as possible underpins our business model. In doing so, we will contribute to the sustainability of our industry and deliver long-term value to each of our stakeholders. Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete is a low-cost producer of ready mix concrete head office in Pretoria we have a strong innovation hub for concrete mix designs to support our low-cost strategy.

Project Appraisal
Central to our approach is the identification of the right assets, where the Company can add value.
- Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete’s technical team has decades of specialist experience in the appraisal and valuation of ready mix concrete.
- Our Company is able to produce a full range of products from our diversified portfolio.
- Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete focuses on long-life assets with the potential to generate significant cashflow and structures its operations with the long-term viability of the project in mind.
At Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete, we control every variable such as compressive strength, workability, proportioning of ingredients, water-cement ratio, and slump then we mold as per the requirement of the project.
- Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete is focused on value production, rather than volume.
- Our ready mix processes are set to optimize revenue generation from each individual project, by focusing on where the value lies.
- We embrace innovation and continually stay abreast of the latest ready mix processing technologies.
- Security is enhanced through maintaining automated, ‘hands-off’ processes.
Sorting & Sales
- Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete has always run its own ready mix sales in a cost-effective manner, having developed marketing and sales expertise in house, and therefore does not pay any sales commission to a third party.
- Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete utilizes the competitive tender process for its sales, thereby providing a competitive pricing environment.
- Elton’s Ready Mix Concrete’s South African production is normally sold in vast areas of Gauteng, thereby encouraging local participation and beneficial to the local community however, the Company had to maintain a flexible approach to sales in FY 2020, and in FY 2021 thus far, as a result of COVID-19, with more sales than usual taking place in Pretoria due to travel restrictions limiting access to other provinces.